Legal Notices
By visiting and using the website www.3dm-shop.com, you agree with these legal notices.
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Publisher of the website
The website www.3dm-shop.com is published by ADMAT, whose head office is located at 9 rue Manurhin, 68120 Richwiller, France.
ADMAT is registered in the Trade and Companies Register of Mulhouse under the number SIRET 844 363 069 00023 and the VAT number FR 82844363069.
Responsible for publications : Eric Muller
Phone number : +33 745 120 729
Email : admat54@hotmail.com
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All content on the website 3dm-shop.com (illustrations, texts, labels, brands, images, videos) is the property of ADMAT, its contractors or partners. Any partial or total reproduction of the content of the website 3dm-shop.com by any means whatsoever and on any medium is subject to prior and express authorization. All information, contents, files and software provided on the 3dm-shop.com website are protected by French and international laws concerning intellectual property and copyright. 3dm-shop.com does not authorize the reproduction, representation, copying, display or distribution of any content for which the user of the website 3dm-shop.com does not have any intellectual property rights. Any unauthorized use of such content in fraudulent rights held by 3dm-shop.com and / or by third parties on them may constitute the offense of counterfeiting, severely punishable by the Code of Intellectual Property. If you register on the site www.3dm-shop.com, we may use the data recorded to provide you with various information, including commercial (newsletters, event informations, etc.).
Computer Law and Freedoms
In accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete data concerning you (article 34 of the "computer data and Liberty" law) .
To exercise this right, you can contact us via email at this address admat54@hotmail.com or send your request by postmail to ADMAT, 9 rue Manurhin, 68120 Richwiller, France.